We are a specialised psychosomatic clinic run by experts from various disciplines headed by a leading and internationally renowned Czech clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, Professor Michal Miovský.
The development and balancing of our own potential is a delicate and intimate movement along the boundary between ourselves, our needs, the possibilities. and the nature of the external world. Regaining control over one's life requires a sensitive, honest, and proven holistic approach.
Using an integrative medical approach to health and psychological well-being, we will help you regain your footing and resume responsibility and control over your life.
MD Cure Clinic also provides preventive and curative system of care for clients of health insurance companies, we cooperate with these health insurance companies:
- Help with addiction: alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, and other substances; non-substance dependencies
- Anxiety and depression and psychosomatic conditions
- Lifestyle and lifestyle extremes: sleep, exercise, and nutrition problems
- Relationship problems and self-harm
- Work planning issues
- Failure to reach one's potential
- Fear of the future
- Comprehensive initial diagnosis and assessment.
- Therapeutic plan and its balance.
- CheckPoints and realistic assessment.
- We help set realistic expectations and a plan.
- We know that the therapy may not be pleasant.
- We apply a holistic approach to medicine.
- We take an integrative approach to addressing all the components of our lives.
- Our approach and methods are evidence-based.
- We have a unique model combining proven methods and practices.
- We use modern technology to enhance the effect of the therapy.
At the MD Cure Clinic, we have created a holistic preventive and curative system of care. This system is unique in its integration of various sub-systems of evidence-based and effective clinical procedures and methods. It is designed on the basis of our own clinical experience and state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and research findings about addiction treatment and the prevention of mental health conditions. It goes beyond disciplinary barriers and limitations and responds to the individual needs and differences of clients with full respect for their situation and capabilities. Care is managed and coordinated through professional case management.
Diseases of the body and soul are closely interrelated, and each person is utterly unique in this sense, both in their difficulties and needs and their strengths, resources, and ability to use these resources in a truly effective and safe way.
Our approach builds on a supportive and growth-oriented environment. To do this, we emphasise intensive relationship work (in individual and group therapy), early and effective solution of somatic complications, and tailored systematic training and strengthening of self-regulation skills.
At the core of our system is an individualised treatment plan that responds to the needs and capabilities of the client. Each individual plan is centred around cutting-edge psychotherapeutic work combined with psychiatric care, where appropriate, including internal assessment and medical consultation, nutritional therapy and support, physical therapy, and training programmes aimed at strengthening self-regulation skills.

The MD Cure Clinic's system of therapeutic care is individually tailored to the needs and capabilities of each client, and the entire process involves four basic phases:
- comprehensive diagnosis;
- setting realistic goals and creating a therapeutic plan;
- ongoing checkpoints: care at our clinic is guided by modern case management;
- final evaluation of the goals achieved and follow-up recommendations and actions.
Within these four phases, we use different components to achieve a generally balanced combination of different approaches and methods:
- In our work, we use state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures and methods relevant to psychiatry and clinical psychology and other associated fields such as addictology, physiotherapy, and nutritional therapy. On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the client's health and their overall situation and resources the best therapeutic approach (plan) is designed together with the client. To us, the client is not a diagnosis, but an active partner in defining and setting up the treatment plan. If necessary, clients may be referred to our contractors for other specialist services (e.g. internal medicine, cardiology, etc.).
- It is imperative for our treatment system to develop a highly confidential environment with an emphasis on discretion and safety which provides an opportunity to express concerns, explore issues, and address preoccupied, often unreflected and maladaptive patterns of behaviour. We offer help to people struggling with depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behaviours, including addictions and relationship problems. Our work also integrates crisis intervention and motivational techniques. Professional and cutting-edge psychotherapy also means a personal approach and commitment from our interdisciplinary team of specialists.
- We consider high-quality psychiatric care, involving an examination and possible medication, to be an essential part of a modern approach. As a field, psychiatry has undergone major developments, and accurate diagnosis and modern pharmacological treatment options are an important aid, especially in the acute phase of problems. If necessary, we also provide follow-up neurological examinations.
- Our broader team consists of physicians and contractors from internal medicine, endocrinology, neurology, and other disciplines. Thanks to this indispensable component of our system, we can provide the necessary resources and support for diagnosing potential somatic complications. In some situations, even cutting-edge psychotherapy is not enough, and, naturally, any problem of the body becomes reflected in the psyche and vice versa. Sometimes serious physical conditions may cause psychological problems and, therefore, their early diagnosis is essential. Comprehensive diagnosis and the elimination or confirmation of somatic complications increases the safety and effectiveness of our entire system of care.
- Basic physiotherapy and nutritional support, therapy, and counselling are an integral part of our approach. A lack of exercise and inappropriate eating habits and nutrition are common sources of problems, including simple stress, in the pace of modern life. All of this is, of course, linked to the poor quality of sleep, daily routines, and rest. Yet even very small changes in this area can have a significant positive impact on the quality of life and mental health.
- Our core methods include biofeedback and its therapeutic modifications. Mental health problems and difficulties in eating, exercise, and other areas are very closely linked to the basic ability to self-regulate. Training and strengthening self-regulation skills therefore requires regularity, the use of modern technology, and therapeutic techniques that are sensitively and correctly combined with traditional psychotherapeutic methods and modern medicine.
Mental health and lifestyle are directly linked not only to our relationships and environment, but also to the quality of our sleep, exercise, and diet. Any significant imbalances, daily stress, and protracted problems are factors that can be successfully managed and their negative effects minimised. The important thing is to make the most of our own inner and outer resources to achieve a balanced, successful, and happy life.
Using integrative medicine approaches, the MD Cure Clinic offers a state-of-the-art preventive and treatment system focused on mental health. We build on the latest scientific knowledge about human health and integrate approaches and elements of different disciplines. We tailor each client's care individually to meet their needs, situation, and choices. The MD Cure Clinic therefore features an interdisciplinary team of specialists who share a unified vision and approach. The efficiency and safety of our system is due to the team approach and the synchronisation of the sub-components of our care.
The MD Cure Clinic has undergone an external evaluation of the quality and safety of the health services provided and was accredited on the basis of the accreditation evaluation on 30.11.2023. The health facility provides quality and safe care according to Act 372/2011 Coll., on Health Services.
We set the prices for self-payers of therapeutic care with regard to the individual treatment plan prepared for each client, taking into account the results of all examinations, the optimal form of treatment, the client's situation, and their own interest. The treatment plan is always divided into three-month stages and the price is derived from these time periods. Each client is consulted in advance about the design of their individual treatment plan and all its conditions and aspects, including the total price, and we always and consistently respect the client's interest and decision. After every three months the treatment plan is reviewed and changes may be made according to the progress and results of the treatment. Such changes may be reflected in the price for the next three-month treatment period.
Our prices are the same for any language in which the treatment is provided and agreed. In addition, we discuss with each client their requirements and wishes individually and try to take them into account and adapt to their needs and resources. The final price package is thus determined by the volume, scope, and nature of the sub-components of the therapeutic care and services that make up the plan for the three-month period. All conditions are communicated in detail to the client in advance and constitute an integral part of the therapeutic contract.
The prices for the nutritional and movement components are based on specific needs and depend on the comprehensiveness and extent of the examination, intervention, and length of care. The prices for other additional services are negotiable.
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Konkrétní balíček terapeutických služeb je vždy sestaven s ohledem na stav, možnosti a plán každého klienta a může se měnit v průběhu tříměsíčního základního plánu. Case manager sleduje vývoj každého klienta a průběh jeho léčby a pravidelně s ním vyhodnocuje jakékoli změny či potřeby a ihned je promítá právě do případných úprav léčebného plánu. Každý 3měsíční plán je vyhodnocen a konzultován a na základě výsledků vyšetření a zhodnocení výsledků s klientem je společně volen další postup.
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Konkrétní balíček terapeutických služeb je vždy sestaven s ohledem na stav, možnosti a plán každého klienta a může se měnit v průběhu tříměsíčního základního plánu. Case manager sleduje vývoj každého klienta a průběh jeho léčby a pravidelně s ním vyhodnocuje jakékoli změny či potřeby a ihned je promítá právě do případných úprav léčebného plánu. Každý 3měsíční plán je vyhodnocen a konzultován a na základě výsledků vyšetření a zhodnocení výsledků s klientem je společně volen další postup.
Kontaktní formulář
Mánesova 27, Praha 2T: +420 774 414 546 | E: Majitel a provozovatel Kliniky MD Cure:
Truce s.r.o.
Eliášova 327/12, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice
IČ: 09185607 | DIČ: 09185607